Saving energy in the metal industry

On average, metalworking operations have energy savings potential of 16%. The corresponding decrease in energy costs is substantial and can maximize a company's profits in the long term. Especially by reducing the use of electric energy, you can cut your energy consumption by a considerable amount and at the same time increase the profitability of your company.

From machining to surface engineering, sheet processing, hardening processes, and wire drawing: we specialize in aiding you as a particularly energy-intensive company through all phases of energy-efficient production. We will identify potential savings and transform your processes into energy-efficient solutions according to your industry-specific needs.

Every company has its own demands and requirements. This is why only a specialist for your industry can calculate which measures are actually profitable.

Learn more!

Contact our project engineer Mr. Nennmann for an individual consultation.

T. +49.561.220 704 33 | nennmann(at)



Metalworkers save energy costs and increase their efficiency with Limón.


"By cooperating with Limón GmbH to develop innovative concepts, we found an economic way to use waste heat to generate electricity."

Tobias Besser
Buderus Edelstahl GmbH

"With its expertise, the company Limón helped us with our energy audits, identifying top consumers, and increasing employee awareness."

Jeanette Le Claire
Gusstechnik Schopfheim GmbH & Co. KG